Dunamis Constrictor Mini Snare

Knotless Technology

  • Ligamentous Lisfranc Repair

Constrictor® Mini Snare

Clinical Advantages

  • Minimize the risk of 2nd metatarsal fracture by utilizing a 2.7mm drill hole
  • Stability post designed to reduce the risk of suture abrasion and tunnel widening

Low-Profile Design

  • The Extender Button allows for stress distribution over the medial cuneiform

Constrictor Surgical Guide System

Surgical Guide System

Reproducible Tunnel Positioning

1.4MM Drill Bit

3.3MM Drill Bit

Constrictor Mini Snare 3.3 Drill Bit

2.7MM Drill Bit

Constrictor Mini Snare 3.3 Drill Bit

Constrictor® Mini Snare

Product No.


Constrictor® Mini Snare


Constrictor® Link – 2nd Metatarsal 


Constrictor® Mini Button Extender

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